Marketing & Technology

Paperless Technology That Is Eco-Friendly, Broker-Friendly & Agent-Friendly

By Bryan Brooks on July 18, 2017
Bryan Brooks posted an article earlier this month about how bad current mortgage processes are in regards to paper consumption. In Mortgages Are Bad for the Environment - Here’s What You Can Do About It, it is reported that approximately 2.2 billion sheets of paper are used each year for mortgages in the US. That’s 264,000 trees required for a year’s worth of mortgage paperwork.

This got me thinking about how much paper is not only used in mortgages, but throughout the entire real estate transaction process. Depending on the state, a listing takes 5-10 forms that will consist of 50-60 pages per transaction. A sale ranges from 7-15 forms that consist of 80-200 pages per transaction. That’s a lot of paperwork.

Without an online transaction management system, you are not only required to use an endless amount of paper, but are also subject to inefficiency, inconsistency and lack of centralized access, which results in poor customer service. In today’s digital world, more and more real estate processes are moving online, but it’s still difficult to find a single system that enables the whole transaction to be in one place. This has been a core value of HomeSmart’s, since the very beginning.

Our proprietary paperless technology is not only eco-friendly, but also is a huge part of what makes our value proposition unique. In a nutshell: our end-to-end proprietary systems and technology, eliminate the use of paper throughout the transaction process, while naturally attracting the industry’s best talent, which delivers the industry’s best experience to the consumer.

Broker Value

Brokers without access to paperless technology, waste time digging through files, looking for the forms they need to review. With a digital broker management system, every document they need for a transaction is in one place and their files are highly organized. Plus, with e-document and e-signature technology, brokers don’t have to print forms to sign them, not only saving paper, but also saving them time, allowing them to respond to agents quickly.

Agent Value

Agents can also gain value from a system that acts as a hub to centralize paperwork and broker-to-agent communications and operations. This way everything is tracked and saved in one place, making the transaction process consistent and efficient.

Even though everyone first thinks of environmentally-friendly when it comes to paperless, it’s the business value of a paperless system that makes it a win-win-win for brokers, agents and yes, the environment.

To learn more about how our paperless technology can take your business to the next level, click here or contact me at

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