By: Tori Rosenblum
At HomeSmart, when we talk to prospective agents or franchise owners, we’re met with questions like: How is that possible? What’s the catch? We get a lot of resistance because people don’t understand how we can do what we do and provide such great value at such a low cost.
So, we want to share some stories from agents who’ve made the smart move and as a result, have taken their saved commissions and reinvested them in order to grow their business and enrich their lives.
John Douglas, a HomeSmart Realty Group agent from Denver, Colorado, is a great example of this. He’s been an agent for 21 years, heard of HomeSmart from a previous co-worker and decided to make the switch.
Read the following Q & A about the positive impact switching to HomeSmart’s 100 percent model made on his life.

HomeSmart Realty Group Agent
Denver, Colorado
Q: How did you hear about HomeSmart?
A: Having been in the Colorado Real Estate industry for 21 years, I have seen both the traditional and non-traditional brokerage models in action.
I was with a traditional brokerage until 2003 and then came over to my colleague, Brad Smith’s, 100 percent concept company, Home Real Estate. In 2012, Brad acquired the HomeSmart franchise, HomeSmart Realty Group, which was the best thing to ever happen to me professionally.
Q: Why did you switch to HomeSmart?
A: I decided to make the switch to the 100 percent model thanks to Brad. I knew he was a fine and honest man who had his agents’ best interest at heart. As a HomeSmart franchisee, he provided all the good stuff -- things I was not getting from the traditional model. So I decided to make the plunge and went to work for Brad.
Q: Where did your commission go?
A: Within my first year at HomeSmart, I saved $20,000. I took that money and bought a brand new car with cash!
Think about it. That’s $20,000 I saved based off HomeSmart’s commission structure. $20,000 I was used to paying the traditional brokerage every year.
After working for many years at a traditional real estate model, it was a breath of fresh air coming over to the 100 percent commission plan.
At my previous brokerage we had a split program, plus we paid a desk fee and every couple months there was another fee that was added - we had to pay for our photo copies, this, that and the other. So when I came to the 100 percent concept with Brad, it was like “oh my gosh, I found heaven!”
Q: What makes you successful in real estate?
A: Having been in the business since 1995, I have built countless relationships through being an agent. One of my greatest successes was when I had five listings on the same block a couple years ago. It was funny because an agent would call me saying, “I’m at the house and can’t get the lock box to work.” And I’d say, “Well, two doors down is the one that you want.” They’d just stop at the first yard sign and be at the wrong house. That’s the power of referrals; one neighbor uses me and the others follow suit. But I’m able to keep them happy thanks to the resources and support given to me at HomeSmart.
Q: What’s your favorite thing about HomeSmart?
A: I love the automated system, the videos with every listing and the SmartPanel. I can know my status on every file at a glance; it’s just so perfect! In the past, I had to struggle and dig through mounds of paperwork. I’d have stacks at the office, at home and in my car and this keeps my files all together in one place. So I’m grateful for the technology, not to mention, our brokers are so supportive and helpful. You can reach them at any time. The staff does their job and shakes their finger at me every once in awhile because I missed something, but they remain very encouraging and they want us to succeed. I appreciate the positive support and sense of community.
I absolutely love HomeSmart and I preach that all the time. In fact, my grandkids are shocked when they see me in anything but a HomeSmart shirt. When it comes down to it, I’m proud to have made the smart move.
If you’re a prospective franchisee who’s interested in learning more about the HomeSmart model, visit Or, if you’re an agent interested in saving more of the commissions you earn, visit